I have forgotten my password
No worries, you can request a new password here. You will then receive a link to reset your password by e-mail.
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I cannot log in. What should I do?
Please check again the details you have entered. Are there no typos? You can also log in with a code or log in link instead of a password. You can easily request this via the my booking page.

When you've forgotten your pasword, you request a new password below. It may take up to 1 minute before you receive the e-mail. Also check your spam box to be sure.

Good to know: your login details for the Landal app and website are the same.
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I forgot the e-mail address for my account. What should I do?
You can try to log in with one of your e-mail addresses and choose 'Forgotten your password? If the e-mail address is not known, you can create a new account. 
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I get the message 'E-mail already exists'. What should I do?
You are trying to create a new account with an e-mail address on which an account is already active. Can't remember the password? Then request a new password here.
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