I have a question about:

After your stay

I have a complaint about the resort. Where can I make my complaint?
Despite all care and effort, it may happen that you have a complaint about your stay at Resort Hof van Saksen. In the first instance, you should report this complaint to the on-site reception so that we can offer you the opportunity to resolve the complaint on site.

If, despite the resort's efforts, a complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, you have the option, no later than 1 month after the departure of your stay, to submit the complaint in writing to:
Hof van Saksen
Guest Services Department
PO Box 21
9450 AA Rolde 

or by e-mail to gastenservice@hofvansaksen.com, stating your reservation number, name and address, date of stay, park name and accommodation number. The complaint will then be handled with the utmost care.
Complaints submitted will be answered within a period of 14 days, starting from the date of receipt. If a complaint requires a foreseeably longer processing time, a reply will be sent within the 14-day period with an acknowledgement of receipt and an indication of when you can expect a more detailed response. If this also does not lead to a satisfactory solution, you have the option, no later than 3 months after departure from the holiday resort, to have the complaint dealt with by the Recreation Disputes Committee in The Hague or to bring the complaint before the court competent under the law. The decision of this committee has the force of a binding opinion.

Detailed information can be found in our General Terms and Conditions (GTC).
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I have lost something at the resort, what now?
Lost something? Then fill in the form on our Lost & Found page and we will look for it for you.
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At what time do I need to leave my accommodation?
You may stay in the accommodation until 10.30 am at the latest. You can still use the resort's facilities throughout the day, for which you can pick up a day pass at reception.
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What is expected of me before I check out?
Of course, it's a shame to leave again, which is why we make leaving as easy as possible. At the end of your holiday, you don't have to visit reception again. Leave your farm passes in the accommodation and check out via the app under 'Bookings'. Before you leave, it would help us a lot if you take care of a few things. Check the cleaning checklist from the app! Take out the rubbish, switch on the dishwasher and leave the accommodation by 10.30 at the latest. Before you head out the door, make sure you don't leave anything behind. We will take care of the rest! On the day of departure, you can still use our facilities throughout the day. So you can go home in peace after a relaxing stay.
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What do I have to do when I leave a day early?
To begin, the Hof van Saksen app allows you to easily enter your departure time. This is also possible if it is a day earlier, which is something we would like to know. It's nice if you can start the dishwasher and put the trash in the appropriate bins before you leave. You can leave the windows ajar, turn off the lights, and then shut the door behind you. You are not required to remove the bed linen. You may leave your car at the accommodation to reload your belongings. The farm passes will be reused, and you can keep them in your accommodation.
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Can I check out later (for a fee)?
Yes, depending on availability, it is possible to book a late check-out. Please contact the resort reception for the possibilities.
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