What should I think about before visiting the resort?
The anticipation of your stay starts with downloading the Hof van Saksen app. Here you can easily settle an outstanding payment, fill in your travel group and enter your arrival and departure times. This makes it easy to check in from home and get inspired. 2 weeks before your arrival at the resort, you can see the activities programme, reserve a table in one of our restaurants or book a treatment in the Spa & Wellness.
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Can I order my groceries beforehand?
You can order groceries up to two days before your arrival if you have made a reservation. You can easily order them using the Hof van Saksen app. The order button is ready for you on the app's home screen; it's that simple!
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Which packages can I book?
You naturally want your holiday to be completely relaxing. To help with this, we offer a variety of entertaining and convenient packages. You can enhance your stay by booking a breakfast buffet or an out-and-about package. Or go all out with the party package. Extra towels can also be easily reserved. For more information and pricing, please see our packages page.
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How do I specify which beds I want to have made?
Have you booked extra bed-making? Then indicate here how many beds you want to have made up. By default, the double bed is made up and depending on the number of people you are coming with, the other beds are also made up. Do you have other preferences? Check the layout of the accommodation on the park page. Use the link below to indicate your preference for the beds to be made up. Use the comments field.
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How do I pass on which day I want to gourmet?
Have you booked a gourmet package for your stay? Then please let us know via the link below when you would like to make use of this. We would like to hear from you before 12:00 noon at the latest one day in advance.
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